Stucco, or Portland Cement Plaster, is applied to many buildings as a low-cost coating. It is available in a broad range of colors and textures, and it is durable, strong, and fire-resistant. Even though the method of applying stucco may look simple, it is better not to be done by yourself as any mistakes throughout the process could lead to serious problems.
Modern stucco is made of water, sand, and Portland cement materials mixed to form a plaster. But, other stucco options are made from a variety of raw materials. Traditional stucco, for instance, uses hydrated lime instead of Portland Cement. It is mixed on site and used in many layers.
Stucco is applied by an industry expert to the interior and exterior walls. A specialist can apply the plaster by manually or with a machine. This Portland Cement Plaster may be used on a frame structure, or on concrete wall systems. It is used to cover concrete, or for siding, clay brick, cinder block, and more.
Stucco, or Portland Cement Plaster, is strong, low-cost, and durable coating. It is adaptable and can be used with concrete, wood frame, or steel frame, concrete masonry, brick. It also is utilized in a wide variety of climates. It is weather resistant, fire resistant and color retentive. So, Therefore, various pigments can be added to the plaster to give your stucco specifically the appearance that you are looking for.
Stucco is rot resistant, versatile, and durable; but, it does not sustain very well in wet conditions. Stucco is pory so that water can seep through the material. This will make the material to decay. Additionally, the moisture may damage your home frame if it is exposed to water over a large amount of time.
One method to assist the stucco wall last by wet seasons is to complete areas like bottom footing or top of the home that get in contact with moisture the most in another material, such as vinyl or brick.
Repairing stucco materials is a challenge. House owners who live in wet or wintry climates will have to repair stucco more frequently. Although, any stucco repair is a challenge, as there are multiple layers that your contractor will need to fix. Stucco repairs are very time-consuming and costly.
One of the best signs of whether or not you must stucco your home is by looking around the neighborhood. If there are no stucco houses, then it’s apparently for weather-related causes. You can also ask a local stucco specialist to see if it’s appropriate for you.
In spite of being a low-cost construction surface, stucco is extensively used because it has a wide texture and color range. This gives stucco immense potential for home customization. Colour aggregate and pigments can change the color of the material. Experts will use white Portland Cement as a base to achieve the broadest color range.
Stucco could be applied in a textured fashion to achieve the appearance of other materials such as brick, wood, or stone. Specialists will use different aggregate sizes for various textures. This changes the consistency of the perfected mix. Several application techniques will also modify the stucco coating as well.
Though the application of Stucco may seem to be an easy method, the incorrect use of it can cause serious issues such as separating, bulging and cracking. The home timber frames may decay if moisture flows in through the stucco. It is suggested that you call in an expert.
A faulty stucco finish can cost you thousands of dollars to repair down the road. So don’t make your hands dirty and lose money. Simply pick your phone and call (416) 410 – 0164 to hire our professional stucco contractors in Toronto. They can assure that the stucco is correctly applied according to standardized measures so that it lasts many years.